New courses available in argo💡Training

The new courses for version 3.2 are online as of today. The certification in German and Dutch has also been updated. To help you find your way around quickly, the new features are linked in the courses. Good luck with your studies!

New courses in the learning platform

The new courses regarding Version 3.1 have been online since this week. The certification in German and Dutch has also been updated. To help you find your way around quickly, the new features are linked in the courses. Good luck with your studies!

argoTraining in Dutch

Neue Sprache im argoTraining verfügbar! Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass unsere argoTraining-Kurse jetzt auch auf Niederländisch verfügbar sind! Diese Woche haben wir unsere Einführungskurse zur Bedienung und zu den Benutzereinstellungen speziell für unsere niederländischen Kunden erstellt. Auch…