Survey on customer satisfaction

At the beginning of this year, we conducted a telephone survey on satisfaction with our argoTrackPilot and the associated lines (argoTracks). We interviewed almost 40 skippers, who we deliberately selected according to various criteria in order to obtain a broad perspective.

😃 What makes us especially happy: More than 90% of the participants would recommendthe argoTrackPilot! On our homepage we have gathered some of the positive feedback that we got during the survey.

Some tracks were particularly praised by the skippers, while others still have room for improvement. The cooperation with the skippers in the further development of the tracks is appreciated by all sides, and our common goal is to further individualize the tracks and refine the categorization.

Einige Schiffsführer haben in der Umfrage angemerkt, dass ihnen das Display des argoTrackPilot zu klein ist. Hierfür bieten wir eine Lösung an: Das argoControlPanel flex ermöglicht es, den argoTrackPilot auf einem beliebigen Windows-Rechner anzuzeigen und zu bedienen. Das Programm kann von unserer Homepage im Download-Bereich heruntergeladen werden. Eine hilfreiche Readme-Datei zur Einrichtung steht in Deutsch, Englisch und Niederländisch zur Verfügung. Die Bedienung des Programms wird außerdem in der Bedienungsanleitung (ab Version 3.0) erläutert.

⮕ Did you know? – Our argoTrackPilot can be perfectly implemented and displayed in the argoRadarPilotthe new ECDIS from Argonav. 

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who took part in the survey – both for their time and for their positive feedback and constructive criticism.