
Sailing with the original
Our trackpilot – automatic track-keeping of inland vessels
- Argonics delivers modern technologies for electric ferries ⚡️
- Argonics and Argonav conduct trainings in Stuttgart
- 🎄 Christmas Time at Argonics and Argonav
- Completion of the sale process of Argonics to Alphatron Marine Beheer BV
- Version 3.3.3 of the argoTrackPilot now available
- KoliBRI project meeting
More than 500 customers trust the argoTrackPilot.
„Quality. Been sailing for a good 4 years. It has so many advantages.
I can’t imagine being without it anymore!“ – Ora et Labora, März 2024
Our products
argoTrackPilot ist das weltweit erste System zur automatischen Bahnführung von Binnenschiffen entlang vorgegebener Leitlinien.
argoPositionPilot is a maneuvering aid for inland waterway vessels with rudder propellers and 360° bow thruster.
Trackpilot, Dynamic Positioning und Flottenmanagement
Control engineering from autopilot via dynamic positioning and automatic track guidance
Mathematical modeling from yachts to large ships
Measurement campaigns from the Danube to the North Sea
Our Expertise
Argonics has been researching and developing in the field of inland shipping automation for over 10 years. In close collaboration with research institutes and universities, we bring our expertise to the table, actively participate in events and trade fairs, and are a member of EADINS (European Association of Developers of Inland Nautical Software). EADINS is a recognized association by CESNI (Comité Européen pour l’Élaboration de Standards dans le Domaine de Navigation Intérieure).