About us

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz

Gründer – Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz is the founder of Argonics. He is a former employee of the Institute for System Dynamics and Control Engineering at the University of Stuttgart (now ISYS).

"The Argonauts sailed the seas with their ship Argo (lat. Argo Navis) in search of the Golden Fleece. With Argonics, we want to help make such ventures no less exciting in the future, but much safer."

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz

Our team

At the site in Vaihingen (Stuttgart), we currently employ a total of 18 people, 10 of whom work for Argonics and 8 for the subsidiary Argonav.

Das Team in Vaihingen, Stuttgart.
Pictured (from left to right): Alexander Lutz, Axel Lachmeyer, Marten Eger, Kristy Lutz, Nico Eichler, Marvin Holzer, Florian Gschwandtner and Steven Dropiewski.


Blick auf das Gebäude der TTI GmbH in der Nobelstraße, Stuttgart.
View of the TTI GmbH building in Nobelstrasse, Stuttgart.

First steps – TGU 3G-Navigation

In December 2010, Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz founded the company "TGU 3G-Navigation" under the umbrella of tti GmbH (Technology Transfer Initiative) of the University of Stuttgart.

  • TGU" stands for transfer and start-up company, a simplified form of company formation.
  • 3G" refers to the third generation of navigation: from the helm wheel to the autopilot to the trackpilot.

With this company, more than 60 control systems have been installed on over 30 large ships.

Foundation of the company Argonics

Dr.-Ing. Alexander Lutz founded the company Argonics on January 20, 2014. In the same year, the company had already grown by two employees. The first orders included drive controls of rudder propellers.

In November 2017, the company launched a track keeping system for inland vessels, which has since become an indispensable component on several hundred ships: the argoTrackPilot.

Argonics has always been able to show products for several divisions in the field of automation, covering navigation and monitoring as well as simulation and control. 

Gründer und Mitarbeiter während der Installation einer der ersten Trackpiloten auf der Loire Princess (März 2015)
Successful installation on the Loire Princess in March 2015.
Gründer Alexander Lutz und Martin Sandler zusammen vor dem hauseigenen Simulator. Man sieht die laufende Simulation (VStep) sowie die Bedienelemente des Trackpilot sowie das ECDIS.
Founders Alexander Lutz and Martin Sandler together in front of our very own simulator.

Foundation of the company Argonav

At the end of 2020, the company became even bigger. Argonics founded, together with Martin Sandler, the former CEO of in – innovative navigation, the company Argonav. Argonics and Argonav have been working closely together ever since.

10 year anniversary

On Saturday, 20.01.2024, Argonics celebrated its tenth anniversary. First, a surprise celebration took place in a small circle in the office.

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Intern (m/f/d) in the field of ship dynamics

Research Projects

Bild des ersten Treffens zum Projektstart von EcoBin.

EcoBin - Assistance systems for energy-optimised automated sailing in inland navigation (January 2024)

The overarching aim of the project is to research further energy-efficient methods in inland shipping in line with Germany's endeavours to become greenhouse gas-neutral by 2045. The focus is on two areas: Energy-efficient sailing as a first approach that can be implemented quickly and with low investment, and the research and development of consumption monitoring for energy-optimised scheduling of the fleet. 

The “EcoBin” project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. EcoBin started on 01.01.2024 and has a term of 36 months (3 years).

KoliBRI - Collision avoidance in inland navigation based on radar and the integration of further sensor technology (October 2023)

The goal of KoliBRI is to develop the first level 3 automation assistance system for inland navigation. Together with the project partners Argonav GmbH and the Chair of Automation and Control Engineering at Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, we want to take inland navigation to the next level.
HGK Ship Management is supporting the project by providing its motor cargo ship Niedersachsen 22 for sea trials.

The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection is funding KoliBRI for 3 years as part of the Maritime Research Program.

Schematische Darstellung des Projekts KoliBRI. Integration von RADAR und weiteren Sensoren zur Darstellung im ECDIS. Erkennung von Hindernissen. Verbesserte Kollisionsvermeidung.
(Abgeschlossen) Projekt FernBin. Koordiniertes, ferngesteuertes Fahren von Binnenschiffen. Darstellung möglicher Anbindungen in Navigationsplattform. Unten: Beispiel der Umsetzung in von argonics und argonav entwickelter Oberfläche. Einbindung des Trackpilot und ECDIS

FernBin - Remotely controlled, coordinated sailing in inland navigation (July 2020)

The FernBin joint project started in July 2020 and was successfully completed in March 2024 with a final demonstration in Duisburg.

The aim of the FernBin project was to investigate the coordinated, remote-controlled navigation of inland waterway vessels. The ship was no longer steered by a skipper on board, but from a remote control station. All the tasks required for navigation had to be operable remotely. In order to open up the possibility of being able to steer several ships with just one skipper in the remote control station, navigation was to be further automated beyond the state of the art.

The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

SCIPPPER – Lock assistance system based on PPP and VDES for inland navigation (November 2018).

The Project „SChleusenassistenzsystem basIerend auf PPP und VDES für die BinnenschifffahRt“, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), has been granted and will start on November 1, 2018. Project coordinator: Argonics GmbH.

(Abgeschlossen) Schleusenassistenzsystem. Schematische Darstellung der anzusteuernden Sensoren und Navigations- bzw. Manövergeräten. Schematische Darstellung der Schleuse.

Novimar – Kolonnenfahrt auf Wasserstraßen (Oktober 2018)

Seit Mai 2017 beteiligt sich die Argonics GmbH an der Entwicklung eines elektronischen Schleppzugs für Binnen- und Küstengewässer. Lesen Sie dazu mehr auf der offiziellen Projekt-Webseite.
Gefördert wird das Projekt im Rahmen des Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramms der Europäischen Union Horizon 2020.