
argoTrackPilot Version 3.0 available

argoRoutePlanner - Unloading-optimized route planning
The argoRoutePlanner is our latest optional module. It offers comprehensive route planning, taking your own draught into account. Discharge depth and safety margin can be individually adjusted. The module is operated via the familiar argoTracks map view and is available for all argoTrackPilot variants.

Der argoRoutePlanner steht allen argoTrackPilot-Nutzern bis Ende Januar kostenlos zur Verfügung.
Automatic adjustment of flow speed and flow direction
Mit dem neuen Update ist unser argoTrackPilot wieder ein Stück schlauer geworden!
Um Ihnen die tägliche Arbeit zu erleichtern, erkennt unser System nun größere Abweichungen zwischen Ihrer eingestellten Strömungsgeschwindigkeit und -richtung und passt diese auf Knopfdruck an.

argoCrontrolPanel flex - new user interface especially for PCs
Our user interface is now available in a practical window view, independent of the system. This makes it even easier to integrate our argoTrackPilot into your system and eliminates the need for installation work in the wheelhouse.

Update today!
An unsere AlphaRiverTrackPilot Kunden:
Please restart the display after each update. Only then is the update really complete and we can rule out sources of error.
If you have any questions about the update, please contact the support hotline. Further information can also be found in the release notes.