
Argonics and Argonav conduct trainings in Stuttgart

Again this year, we have invited dealers and installers to a compact and practical training session in German and English .
On Tuesday, Dr. Martin Sandler and Matthias Ringkowski kicked off the session and presented the latest innovations surrounding the argoRadarPilot.The participants had the opportunity to work directly with the provided devices and gain valuable hands-on experience.
On Wednesday, Nico Eichler guided the participants through the installation and commissioning of the argoTrackPilot. In addition, Florian Gschwandtner introduced the argoPositionPilot . The argoPositionPilot is an innovative maneuvering aid that makes navigating in locks and ports not only more intuitive but also safer.
On Thursday, the training on the argoRadarPilot was repeated in English to provide optimal support for international participants.