
🌱 🛳️ Green light for EcoBin

EcoBin - Assistance systems for energy-optimised automated sailing in inland navigation
❓ What is EcoBin?
The "EcoBin" project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology as part of sub-project E of the "Research Strategy for Automated Sailing in Inland Navigation". The project started on January 1st 2024 and has a duration of 36 months (3 years). The overarching aim of the project is to research further energy-efficient methods in inland shipping in line with Germany's endeavours to become greenhouse gas neutral by 2045.
🤝 Who are the project partners?
The parties involved are diverse and each contribute to specific sub-projects.
- Argonics GmbH is the project coordinator and is concentrating on the "FuelPilot" sub-project, which involves consumption-optimised automatic lane guidance in the longitudinal and transverse directions, taking dynamic waterway conditions into account.
- The Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems e.V. (DST) is working on the "EcoBin-Opt" sub-project and is developing a holistic trajectory optimisation process to minimise energy consumption.
- HGK Shipping GmbH is contributing to the "EcoFleet" sub-project, which involves the development of a fleet monitoring system to identify potential savings through consumption-optimised navigation.
- The engineering firm "ingenieurbüro kauppert" (ibk) is responsible for the "OPTim" sub-project, which aims to optimise fuel consumption by adjusting ship speeds and positions.
- The Federal Institute of Hydrology is involved as an associated partner and supports the overall project with model tests.
⮕ What are the project's specific goals?
The focus is on two sub-areas: Energy-efficient driving as the first approach that can be implemented quickly and with low investment, and the research and development of consumption monitoring for energy-optimised fleet scheduling.
Argonics is focussing on the further development of the "argoTrackPilot" lane guidance assistance system. This system enables energy-optimised driving on waterways, taking into account the target arrival time, driving dynamics and external influences.
🏁 Kick-off event in Stuttgart
The kick-off event of the project included the introduction of the participants, a tour and the presentation of the individual sub-projects by the project partners. The project organisation was defined in a cooperation agreement and further steps such as the installation on HGK ships and the planning of the next steps were discussed. The joint efforts should contribute to the successful realisation of the project goals and make a contribution to sustainable development in inland navigation.
You can find out more about the "FuelPilot" sub-project from Argonics in one of the next articles. You can also use the search term "EcoBin" on our website later to find out more about the project.