
Version 3.3 of the argoTrackPilot available
The latest version of the argoTrackPilot is available starting today. Users of the argoTrackPilot/AlphaRiverTrackPilot can download and install the update as usual.
What's new?
↗️ Use of the stream direction
To improve performance during course changes within the fairway and when cross-currents occur, the calculation algorithms for argoTrackPilot have been enhanced. Starting with this version, the stream direction is included in the calculations for the Rhine and the Waal. A status indicator as well as the estimated stream direction have been integrated into the user interface.
🗺️ argoRoutePlanner: Detailed map display expanded
Additional high-resolution map sections have been added to the map display of the argoTrackPilot display in order to find the correct target position more quickly: Meuse and Sambre, Antwerp harbor area, route between Antwerp and Brussels, Albert Canal and Upper Moselle.
➕And more
Alle Neuerungen und Änderungen finden Sie auf unserer Homepage.
We wish you a safe journey at all times!