

Argonics Shop

On you will find useful extensions to your AlphaRiverTrackPilot With argoTracks we provide a set of guidelines created by experienced skippers. After activation you can follow these lines automatically with your Trackpilot. With argoSupport you always keep your Trackpilot up to date....

Argonics and Argonav: Bundling of Competencies in Inland Shipping

The RADARpilot720° is the leading product in the field of chart display systems with radar insertion according to the Inland ECDIS standard. In the course of more than 20 years, in-innovative navigation GmbH has developed numerous successful navigation components for inland navigation around the RADARpilot720°, whose...

AISS 2020 in Duisburg

NOVIMAR vesseltrain at DST: Many thanks to the wonderful team at DST! We are having a blast! argoTargetPilot: Platooning for Inland Vessels Check out our latest video from Scylla’s Geoffrey Chaucer.Automatically following AIS targets at a defined distance through the…

FernBIN receives funding

The joint project FernBin started in July 2020.Within the framework of FernBin, the coordinated, remote-controlled navigation of inland vessels is to be investigated.Here, the ship is no longer steered by a skipper on board the ship, but from a remote control station. All...

Development of lever with haptic feedback

In Zusammenarbeit mit Gessmann hat Argonics einen Fahrhebel entwickelt, der zur intuitiven Steuerung des argoTrackPilots genutzt werden kann. Lassen Sie sich von diesem Video (HD auswählen) überzeugen und warten Sie nicht länger auf leere Versprechungen.

BinStabilität will be funded

The project BinStabilität will start in January 2019. During the course of this project the dynamic stability of inland vessels will be investigated. An onboard system which will warn the captain of an upcoming stability issue will be developed. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

ScIPPPer – Automatic Lock-Entering

The Project „SChleusenassistenzsystem basIerend auf PPP und VDES für die BinnenschifffahRt“, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), has been granted and will start on November 1, 2018. Project coordinator: Argonics GmbH.