
AISS Alphatron Marine argoFuelPilot Argonav Argonics argoPositionPilot argoRadarPilot. argoRoutePlanner argoSupport argoTargetPilot argoTrackPilot argoTracks argoTraining BinStabilität BMVI EcoBin Europort Fachkonferenz FernBIN Research Projects Subsidy JRC KoliBRI Maritime Industry trade fair NMK NOVIMAR Vesseltrain Products SAFEBin Training SCIPPPER Shipping Technic Logistics (STL) Update
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Argonics and Argonav visiting Alphatron Marine
Diese Woche sind einige unserer Kollegen bei Alphatron Marine in Rotterdam zu Gast – um sowohl die Kolleginnen und Kollegen von Alphatron Marine als auch weitere Partnerunternehmen aus den Niederlanden zu schulen. In einer zweimal stattfindenden, zweitägigen Schulung vermitteln wir tiefere Einblicke in unsere Systeme: den argoRadarPilot, argoBridgePilot, argoTrackPilot und den argoPositionPilot. Vielen Dank an…
🎿 argoSkiDay 🌨️
Letzten Freitag war es wieder soweit – der alljährliche argoSkiTag!Diesmal ging’s bei frühlingshaften Temperaturen ins Skigebiet Silvretta Montafon. Sonne satt, leere Pisten und beste Stimmung – was will man mehr? 😎⛷️ Danke an alle, die den Tag möglich gemacht haben. Wir freuen uns schon aufs nächste Jahr!
argoTrackPilot – version 3.4
The new update for argoTrackPilot is available as of today for all our customers with an active maintenance contract. You will receive a notification directly on your TrackPilot display and can perform the update yourself. We have summarized the most important news here:
Argonics website now also available in Dutch! 🇳🇱
Starting today, our website is also available in Dutch! A big thank you to Alphatron Marine for the great collaboration.
Argonics at XPONENTIAL Europe
We attended XPONENTIAL Europe 2025 – a still young trade fair for unmanned systems and autonomous technologies. From February 18 to 20, 2025, experts gathered in Düsseldorf to showcase the latest developments. Our colleague Florian Gschwandtner presented the current status of the KoliBRI project ...
Argonics delivers modern technologies for electric ferries ⚡️
Last week, Argonics equipped the electric passenger ferries Sarnico and Sale Marasino II, which will soon operate on Lake Iseo. Our colleagues installed the Argonics products argoTrackPilot and argoFuelPilot. Once the commissioning is fully completed, the ferries can be operated in various modes. For example, the argoFuelPilot enables optimized speed control to minimize energy consumption...